Second Life Jackets is the latest circular economy initiative from the team that has developed the world’s first truly circular solution for neoprene pre and post consumer waste As we discussed with customers and consumers their need to find and provide a solution for neoprene waste, Life Jackets were consistently raised as an additional product in need of a circular solution. The reasons why are here.
Suffice to say currently millions of Life Jackets at end of their functional life end up either in Landfill or incineration. Yet the life jacket materials are all 100% recyclable or capable of being down or upcycled with a measurable and clear benefit to the planet and our shared goal of net zero by 2050. This is now our next mission!
We have the experience of creating a completely new business process and facility to handle neoprene and this is now live and fully operational – we have now added to our offer the ability to deliver a circular solution for Life Jackets. The experience and competence of our partners.